
rabbit recipe

Bunny Oreo Bites

Bunny Oreo Bites are great for bunnies as they provide essential nutrients. Oat flour offers fiber for digestion, while blueberries and bananas give vitamins and antioxidants. The black mallow adds a natural sweetness. These treats are a healthy, tasty, and safe option for your rabbit.

Apple Chips

Treat your bunny to tasty Apple Chips! These chips are a healthy, natural snack for your rabbit. They’re rich in fiber and essential vitamins, supporting your bunny’s digestive health and keeping their fur shiny. Simple, crunchy, and nutritious, these chips are perfect for a happy and healthy rabbit!

Raspberry Rose Bunny Cookies

Making cookies for your pet rabbits can be a fun and rewarding experience. These linzer tarte inspired Rasberry Rose Bunny Cookies are the perfect addition to any bunny tea party. (why is MY mouth watering? Are you sure these cookies aren’t for me?)

Volcano Cake

Does your bunny have a birthday coming up? We found the perfect birthday cake! Do they have bunny friends that want join in the celebration? Don’t worry, these cakes come in fours! Making a volcano cake for your rabbits can be a fun and healthy way to provide them...

Fenugreek & Banana Bites

A simple and nutritious treat, fenugreek & banana bites combine the natural sweetness of bananas with the fiber-rich goodness of fenugreek and oats. Mash a ripe banana and mix it with oats and fenugreek until you achieve a dough-like consistency. Form small balls and flatten them into bite-sized treats. Bake or dehydrate until...

Bunny Snacks Cucumber Pie

Rabbit Cucumber Rolls are a tasty and healthy snack option that is made with cucumber, which itself is high in water content and helps to replenish your rabbit’s daily water needs, as well as containing vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your rabbit’s health. The refreshing taste of...
