Frozen Applesauce
An apple a day keeps the heat at bay! Here‘s a frozen treat that uses applesauce to keep your dog cool during the long summer months. if you’ve noticed your dog has been panting a little more in the summer heat, help the pup cool down with one of these...
Grain-Free Coconut and Banana
Coconut flour makes any treat gluten and grain free. Plus, who doesn‘t like the taste of coconut – om nom nom! With the Grain-Free Coconut and Banana Dog Treat Recipe, we added a touch of coconut oil for added health benefits, as well as almond milk, which is lactose...
Healthy Shamrock Shake
My dog Lucy‘s two favorite foods in the world are yogurt and bananas. This healthy Shamrock Shake smoothie contains both! Yogurt is a great source of calcium and probiotics for dogs (just make sure it‘s plain with no added sugar). Then dog-friendly bananas provide potassium. The added mint gives...
Tummy Taming Paws
Does your dog love frozen treats and do you love feeding them guilt-free whole foods? This is a great treat for your canine friends to support healthy gut function and digestion. As a fantastic digestive aid for dogs with upset tummies, this homemade dog treat helps with vomiting, constipation...
Beef Pupcake
While the pupcakes are certainly a treat that will make your dog drool and wag his tail, it includes some healthy ingredients that can improve your dog’s health. Cauliflower is a perfect example of this. The vegetable is packed with valuable nutrients. It’s a source of vitamins A, C,...
Chicken Casserole
The chicken casserole is an instant fave with dogs and pet parents alike- it‘s healthy, tasty, and easy to prepare. Aside from the fact that dogs think chicken tastes scrumdiddlyumptious, it’s good for them too. It’s a great source of protein and essential amino acids that help support their strong,...