Proper States of Mind for Dog Owners
Your dog is awesome-who couldn’t love him? But even the friendliest, cutest dogs can quickly be viewed in a bad light if their humans aren’t practicing good pet owner etiquette. Responsible dog ownership extends beyond just making sure your dog is well cared for day-to-day. This includes being a...
How to Weigh Your Pet at Home
Weighing your pet at home can be a useful way to monitor their health and track any changes in their weight. Here are some tips on how to weigh your pet at home: Use a Scale: If you have a small pet, you can use a kitchen scale or a...
How to Train Your Cat to Use the Bathroom Outside
Training your cat to go to the bathroom outdoors can be a bit of a challenge, as cats are creatures of habit and prefer to use the litter box. However, as long as you have enough patience and use positive reinforcement, it is possible to successfully acclimate your cat...
Why Does My Dog Look Worried?
There could be several reasons why the dog might appear worried. Dogs, like humans, can experience a range of emotions, and their body language and facial expressions can reflect their internal state. Here are a few possible reasons why your dog might look worried: Health issues: Dogs may display signs...
The Safest Way to Travel with Dogs
Traveling with dogs can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but ensuring their safety should be a top priority. Whether you’re embarking on a road trip or taking to the skies, adopting a few safety measures can make the journey comfortable and secure for your furry companion. Therefore, what options...
Do Cats Like to Be Alone
Cats are often very independent. They don’t need help using the litter box, they keep themselves active indoors, and some can even self-regulate their food intake. Perhaps, because of this, they are seen as less needy and more able to be on their own, away from their humans. Unfortunately, this...