How to Pet a Cat the Right Way
Where Do Cats Like to be Petted? Start with gentle strokes: Begin by petting the cat with gentle strokes in areas where they typically enjoy being petted, such as the head, cheeks, and chin. 1.Massage your cat’s chin and cheeks. Most cats love to be touched on the head near their scent gland...
Different Dog Walks to Keep Exercise Interesting
Think about the last walk you and your dog shared. Does anything stand out? Probably not, as dog walks are just a regular, everyday part of pet parenthood. They’re usually something to hurry through and check off the to-do list. But that’s just your take on it. Your dog likely experiences...
5 Reasons Your Dog Is Irritable
If your furry friend is resisting certain interactions with people or displaying aggressive behaviors such as threatening barks, growls, and lip-licking with exposed teeth, it’s crucial to recognize these signs of irritability and potential anger in your dog. Also, knowing why your dog is irritable can help you avoid potential...
Proper States of Mind for Dog Owners
Your dog is awesome-who couldn’t love him? But even the friendliest, cutest dogs can quickly be viewed in a bad light if their humans aren’t practicing good pet owner etiquette. Responsible dog ownership extends beyond just making sure your dog is well cared for day-to-day. This includes being a...
How to Weigh Your Pet at Home
Weighing your pet at home can be a useful way to monitor their health and track any changes in their weight. Here are some tips on how to weigh your pet at home: Use a Scale: If you have a small pet, you can use a kitchen scale or a...
How to Train Your Cat to Use the Bathroom Outside
Training your cat to go to the bathroom outdoors can be a bit of a challenge, as cats are creatures of habit and prefer to use the litter box. However, as long as you have enough patience and use positive reinforcement, it is possible to successfully acclimate your cat...