Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me
As a Catkeeper, you’ve no doubt been head-butted by your cat owner. So have you ever wondered what this behavior means? Is it an expression of love? Or is it a sign of annoyance? Or is it just an itchy scalp? Answer first: Congratulations Catkeeper, the “cat headbutt” is a gesture...
How to Wash Dog Toys
I don’t know about you, but we have A LOT of dog toys. My two well-loved pooches have upwards of 50 plush squeaky toys. And the more toys we collect, the more I have to clean. While my pups aren’t big slobberers, their toys do still get dirty. Aside from...
Signs Your Dog Has Imprinted On You
The bond between dogs and humans is complex and deep. This bond becomes even more special when a dog imprints on its owner. Imprinting is a psychological term that refers to an individual’s emotional attachment to an earlier caregiver. In the world of dogs, this imprinting can mean that...
Different Dog Walks to Keep Exercise Interesting
Your dog likely experiences an entire world that you’re oblivious to, from the scents along the ground to the sounds of wildlife too faint for you to perceive. And that’s the disconnect in this daily activity; we endure walks. Our dogs revel in them. Walks are a chance for...
Keep Your Dog Fit with These Fun Exercises
Dogs are naturally full of energy, they love to exercise, and daily activity not only keeps them physically and mentally active, it’s key to maintaining their health. Are you curious about what other fun exercises can help them get strong and healthy? Wander in the Park For dogs that don’t require much...
Tips for Successfully Training Your New Puppy
Bringing home a puppy is so exciting! All that cuteness and the snuggles can’t be beat. Another benefit of puppies is that they’re too young to have picked up many bad habits—they’re more or less a blank slate. But that also means it’s up to you to teach your...