Why Do Cats Hide?
Hiding is commonly considered as a normal and healthy part of being a cat. However, hiding is excessive if it interferes with the daily activities that cats need to do. Why Is My Cat Hiding? Fear — Cats hide to protect themselves from things they perceive as dangerous or stressful. They hide...
How to Stop Your Puppy From Barking
Barking is a natural and useful behavior for puppies, as they use it to greet people, protect themselves, or communicate with others. However, if your puppy barks too much, it can be annoying. You cannot completely stop your puppy from barking, but you can teach your puppy to bark...
Methods to Help Your Dog Fear Bust
There’s nothing more loyal, companionable, or loving than a dog, but dogs can get anxious and stressed just like humans. Just like with people, most doggie fears are rooted in a bad experience. Maybe he went to the veterinarian and got shots that hurt and the dog in line...
Dog Chewing Paws and Nails: Reasons and How to Help
Paw-licking is a normal self-cleaning behavior for dogs. They might chew on their paws and nails because of healthy grooming, pain, inflammation, discomfort, allergies and more. When you spot your dog licking or chewing their paws, it is usually indicative of something bothering them around their paws. Learn More About...
Do Cats Know Their Names?
Giving a name to your new cat or kitten is not a simple task. So it’s understandable that pet owners would ask: Do cats know their names? According to experts, cats can recognize and respond to the names we affectionately call them—but they don’t always decide to respond. A 2019...
Why Do Cats Eat Plastic?
It’s a familiar scene: you hear a rustling from another room, and when you peek in to investigate, you see your feline friend chewing on a plastic bag, again. You’re probably wondering why your cat likes to eat plastic and how you can divert your kitty’s attention away from...