How to Wash Dog Toys
Dogs’ toys are an integral part of their daily lives, through which they release their press, satisfy their desire to chew and even leave their unique scent on the toys. However, while toys bring joy, they can also be a hiding place for bacteria and dirt. In this article, we will...
The Importance of Sleep for You and Your Pup
Is there anything more precious than watching your dog sleep? (Don’t even get us started on their dream-state tail wags.) Besides being super-cute, sleep is also vital for your pup’s health and overall wellbeing, just like it is for your own. Check out just how important sleep is to...
How to Wash Dog Toys
I don’t know about you, but we have A LOT of dog toys. My two well-loved pooches have upwards of 50 plush squeaky toys. And the more toys we collect, the more I have to clean. While my pups aren’t big slobberers, their toys do still get dirty. Aside from...
Keep Your Dog Fit with These Fun Exercises
Dogs are naturally full of energy, they love to exercise, and daily activity not only keeps them physically and mentally active, it’s key to maintaining their health. Are you curious about what other fun exercises can help them get strong and healthy? Wander in the Park For dogs that don’t require much...
5 Reasons Your Dog Is Irritable
If your furry friend is resisting certain interactions with people or displaying aggressive behaviors such as threatening barks, growls, and lip-licking with exposed teeth, it’s crucial to recognize these signs of irritability and potential anger in your dog. Also, knowing why your dog is irritable can help you avoid potential...
How to Protect Dog Paws in Winter
Keeps paw pads moisturized Slather your pup’s pads in dog paw wax or paw balm before hitting the streets for a winter walk. The moisturizing balm acts as a barrier to help keep out ice and harmful chemicals. Keep your pup hydrated Your pet’s skin and paw pads need to stay hydrated...