Proper States of Mind for Dog Owners
Your dog is awesome-who couldn’t love him? But even the friendliest, cutest dogs can quickly be viewed in a bad light if their humans aren’t practicing good pet owner etiquette. Responsible dog ownership extends beyond just making sure your dog is well cared for day-to-day. This includes being a...
Teach Your Dog to Shake Paws
Benefits of Teaching a Dog to Shake Teaching a dog to shake paws can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. This skill not only impresses others, but it also enhances the bond between you and your furry friend. How to Teach a Dog to Shake a Paw: Step-by-Step Instructions 1. Start by...
Should I take my dog to the dog park
Owning a dog is a wonderful and fulfilling experience. Dogs provide us with unconditional love, companionship, and endless joy. As responsible pet owners, we strive to ensure our furry friends lead happy, healthy lives. One way to achieve this goal is by taking them to the dog park. However,...
How to Stop Your Puppy From Barking
Barking is a natural and useful behavior for puppies, as they use it to greet people, protect themselves, or communicate with others. However, if your puppy barks too much, it can be annoying. You cannot completely stop your puppy from barking, but you can teach your puppy to bark...
Methods to Help Your Dog Fear Bust
There’s nothing more loyal, companionable, or loving than a dog, but dogs can get anxious and stressed just like humans. Just like with people, most doggie fears are rooted in a bad experience. Maybe he went to the veterinarian and got shots that hurt and the dog in line...
How to Stop a Dog From Digging
It is known to us all that dogs love to dig. There are some specific reasons: seeking entertainment, attention, comfort, escape, prey, protection, etc,. How to Prevent? Find out why your dog is doing it and then adopt a strategy that targets your dog’s needs. The most perfect way to resolve...