Dog Chewing Paws and Nails: Reasons and How to Help
Paw-licking is a normal self-cleaning behavior for dogs. They might chew on their paws and nails because of healthy grooming, pain, inflammation, discomfort, allergies and more. When you spot your dog licking or chewing their paws, it is usually indicative of something bothering them around their paws. Learn More About...
Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads
The pose is familiar to you. The pose is dear to you. It’s the canine pose that makes you smile, melts your heart, and captures your camera… the head tilt. When dogs hear a curious sound, dog owners enjoy the adorable head tilt with the lifted face, inquisitive eyes,...
Why Do Dogs Sigh?
A human sigh could mean contentment, tiredness, relaxation or even disappointment. But do dogs experience that same range of emotions when they sigh? Let’s take a deeper dive to better understand dog sighing: what is sighing, and why do dogs sign. What is sighing? Sighing is basically a long, sharp exhale...
How to Keep Dogs Cool in Summer
Keeping your dog cool in hot weather is all about being prepared and thinking ahead. There are a few steps you can take to keep your dog safe and cool in extreme heat. Avoid Walking Your Dogs in Hot Weather You should plan your pup’s main exercise times for the least...
Why Do Dogs Like Sticks
Dogs have a passion for sticks. This is evident when you play fetch with your dog. You may also see your dog carrying a stick with them when you walk them in the park or run with them in the woods. But do you know the reason behind dogs’ fascination...
Dog Teeth Chattering: Causes and What It Means
Teeth chattering can be a sign of pain, seizures, or a neurological disorder. Dogs will chatter their teeth simply because they are feeling cold, nervous, or excited. Why are your dog’s teeth chattering? What does it mean when a dog chatters its teeth? Stress and Anxiety If your dog is very...