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dog care

How to Get Rid of Dog Smell 2 1 dog care

How to Get Rid of Dog Smell

Dogs are man’s best friend, but they can sometimes bring with them some unpleasant odors. From pet body odor to urine residue, dog odors can interfere with the cleanliness and comfort of your home. Fortunately, there are effective ways to help remove these unpleasant odors. 1. Bathe  regularly. Dog body odor...

Why Does My Dog Destroy His Bed 1 2 dog care

Why Does My Dog Destroy His Bed

Dogs are our faithful companions, but they sometimes engage in headache-inducing behaviors such as destroying their beds. There can be multiple reasons hidden behind this behavior, and understanding them will help us take better care of them and take steps to correct the behavior. 1. Analysis of Causes Boredom or Attention...
