Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me
As a Catkeeper, you’ve no doubt been head-butted by your cat owner. So have you ever wondered what this behavior means? Is it an expression of love? Or is it a sign of annoyance? Or is it just an itchy scalp? Answer first: Congratulations Catkeeper, the “cat headbutt” is a gesture...
Should I Worry About My Cat’s Poop
As family pets, the health status of cats is of paramount importance to pet owners. Not only is your cat’s poop a direct reflection of their digestive health, but it is also an important indicator of their overall health. In this article, we will discuss why you should be...
Fun Springtime Outdoor Activities for Cats
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow! This is a powerful season which is of rebirth and relaxation. The trees turn to emerald, streams flow, flowers bloom, all the natural things become vigorous. But what about your kitty? Is he or she getting some interesting...
Understand Your Cat’s Tail Language to Read Their Mood
A cat’s tail is an evolutionary necessity, helping them maintain balance as they jump, run, and walk along those precarious ledges. But there’s more to a cat’s tail than just a means to help your cat stay on the straight and narrow; it’s also a way for your cat to...
How to Pet a Cat the Right Way
Where Do Cats Like to be Petted? Start with gentle strokes: Begin by petting the cat with gentle strokes in areas where they typically enjoy being petted, such as the head, cheeks, and chin. 1.Massage your cat’s chin and cheeks. Most cats love to be touched on the head near their scent gland...
Do Cats Like to Be Alone
Cats are often very independent. They don’t need help using the litter box, they keep themselves active indoors, and some can even self-regulate their food intake. Perhaps, because of this, they are seen as less needy and more able to be on their own, away from their humans. Unfortunately, this...